Trust is a hard action to follow through with in life especially when we have been served so many disloyal heaping spoonfuls from people we love. It doesn't matter who we are expected to trust, it's just hard. Why do we need to trust anyone? Should we trust anyone other than our Lord? Well, we seem to trust the driver while going shopping or to corner store. We trust the on coming traffic on a 2-way road that they won't steer into our lane and hit us head on. We sometimes trust our government and vote them in to office. We trust our spouse, children and co-workers. We trust drugs, pills, alcohol, our feelings. The old saying, "If I can only get this everything would be okay". Sure there is a multitude of trusting going on in life in general, but who or what do we trust with our life?
The word "Trust" occurs 125 times in the NKJV of the Bible from Deuteronomy to Hebrews. Many of the scriptures pose questions about who do you put your trust? Through many circumstances of life we trust without realizing who we trust in. Even when we think we have confidence in someone to bail us out or that they will keep a secret or even our closest friend they can fail us. The definition for the word "Trust" used as a verb is to have trust or confidence in; rely or depend on, hope, to believe. This is a major decision to make when it involves our eternity. Can we trust tomorrow? Can we trust what someone says? Can we afford to put our trust in a substance or a feeling of security?
As we go through different circumstances in life we sometimes hit a brick wall and are forced to face the reality that we need to put our Trust in the Lord and in Him alone. It may be in the form of a jail sentence, a probation term, a marital breakup, loss of a loved one or losing our job of 20 years but if we will only Trust in the Lord in all circumstances He will carry us through any situation. He is only trying to mold us and shape us they He wants. He will give us strength and a new vision. The bible says that He is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The Wise Counselor. The Redeemer. Our Fortress and Strong Tower. It's interesting how that the very center of the bible is Psalm 118:8, "It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man."
Are you Trusting Him today with your life? Do you want to Trust Him today? Pray this prayer:
Dear Lord. I've failed you so many times. You've called me time after time and I have ignored You. I'm tired and weary. I can't find rest anywhere. I am desperate for You now, Lord Jesus. I have tried everything else and nothing has filled that emptiness inside. I Need You now, Lord Jesus! Your word says that if I confess Jesus Christ with my mouth and believe in my heart the God raised Him from the dead then I will be saved. I confess today Jesus Christ as my Lord! I believe that God, you raised him up to life. I receive You now Lord Jesus! Please forgive me from all my sin. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Help me to follow You and totally Trust in You in every circumstance.
Please let someone know that you received Him today. Email us at tgif@nbfbc.org
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