It's hard to fathom what it really means to be set free. The question is often posed; "Am I set free from my sin?" Can a person really be set free from their addictions? Having a set free life means to be set free from ourselves. The first key issue is usually ourselves. The mind is where the true battle is and without the New Life in Christ we are still living the old.
We wake up in the morning and thoughts start going through our mind. We may think "I need to get this done or what about that problem or how can I get my fix today." We must realize that unless we work at changing our behavior and not following after the same or similar emotions, we are running around in circles. The bible says in Prov 3:6 "In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths". We need to pray, "Lord what shall I do today?" or "How should I deal with this issue or addiction I am facing?" He will answer you and direct you to people and places where you can receive His instruction. We get in the way to often by listening to ourselves. God's will is different than ours.
I love the way Oswald Chambers speaks about our natural life, "God pays no attention to our natural individuality in the development of our spiritual life. His plan runs right through our natural life." He may speak to us at home reading the Bible, online devotions, sermons at church, at recovery, at prayer meetings. We must make that decision to change the unhealthy habits that seem so normal. The old saying is true "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten." Make a decision today to follow God's way. It will be tough but the rewards will be great here on earth and in heaven.
Prayer: Father in heaven, I need you today to set me free. I can't find freedom in the same way I've always tried. I have failed and need redemption through Your Son, Jesus. Please forgive me and as I acknowledge you in all my ways, please direct my path. Give me the strength I need to face the issues, struggles and addictions. Give me the power to change my behaviors and learn how to hear You and to live the New Life in Christ.
Thanks for contributing hink4christ. Great message and great advice!