Admission is one hard task to fulfill when it's time but God will give you the strength to complete this sometimes painful and difficult step. Step One says, "I ADMIT THAT I AM POWERLESS OVER THE PROBLEM CONTROLLING MY LIFE. MY LIFE HAS BECOME UNMANAGEABLE" And that's just it, admitting out loud and deep within to the God of the universe and your sponsor that I Am Powerless.
Humility and a sense of giving it all up to God after being in control my whole life, is a huge change that many people have done successfully. Without this brokenness we can't move forward. The old adage goes like this, "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten."
Making this decision will bring you closer to breaking the old habits we get so accustom to. It will not only teach us to be humble but to let go of the controlling power that has lead us to broken relationships, wrong decisions, and unwelcome consequences.
In those old controlling problems we usually face cycles of deception which are cycles of behavior that seem normal and comfortable. You may have familiar thoughts like; "that's how I've always responded to this situation and it seemed to buy me some time." We can't use the same reasoning that we've used before like, "I'll stop doing it next week or I'll change when she changes." The bible says in Romans 7:18,19 "I know I am rotten through and through so far as my old sinful nature is concerned. No matter which way I turn, I can't make myself do right. I want to, but I can't. When I want to do good, I don't. And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway."
When we recognize that we are rotten in our flesh and that in order to get through this difficult time in our life, we must "ADMIT WE ARE POWERLESS OVER_____________, AND IT IS CONTROLLING MY LIFE!
Go ahead and read that statement again out loud and place in the blank the biggest thing that controls your life. As you speak and confess you will sense a giving up control. Call your sponsor and admit it to him. Realize that God knows all things and He knew you were going to do that! He will give you power to overcome life's struggles.
You are headed to the path of a "New Life." Believe that God is on your side. His word says that He will never leave you nor forsake you. His plans are to prosper you and to give you hope and a future. He cares for you just as much as he does a newborn babe. His love for you is so deep and wide He sent His only Son to die for you. He also said Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends John 15:13.
Prayer: Father in heaven You are awesome! Thank you for giving me the strength to carry out today. I need you more today than yesterday. My life has become unmanageable and out of control. Please help me through the coming days of change. I want to change and seek Your will and not mine. I am trusting You, Lord.
In Jesus Name I Pray!
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