Some days we don't feel so glad and we definitely don't feel like rejoicing. Days filled with problems, heartaches and just plain all around yuck! And to some one coming out of drug and alcohol addiction days like these make maintaining sobriety all the more difficult. You start wanting to resort to the old ways of coping, believe me I've been there. Oh I still have cruddy days that are never over soon enough, but what we have to realize is the bad days, just like the good days, are created by and belong to God.
Just because we're having a horrible day doesn't mean we have to wallow in it. Remember Jesus still reigns on His throne. He is still the Prince of Peace, The Great Comforter, Wonderful Counselor, King of Kings and Lord of our lives, and forever will be! You can muster up enough strength to give a shout out to Jesus. Forget about yourself and your circumstances for a minute, because it's all about Him, not us, and thank Him for the day. Say, Lord thank you for this day which you have made, because it's another day I'm alive, another day I'm sober, another day I have with you in my Life. Soon your day won't seem as bad. I'm not saying stuff will stop happening, but now His Holy Spirit is Stirred up in you and has become a shield for all the bullets, arrows and fiery darts that are coming at you.
So remember this is the day that the Lord has made rejoice! and be glad in it, you will be happy that you did.
Hello John Makin ,
ReplyDeleteThis is Shelli with S.A.N.D. Intl. Ministries . I have been trying to email you at possomfish but it won' go through . I sent the email to Set Free Ministries . Please let me know if you got my Email . God richly bless you . Shelli Sines
Hello John ,
ReplyDeleteShelli here again with S.A.N.D. Intl . Ministries . Just went through your Ministry more and wanted to say that it is amazing . I Thank you again for your offering to our Ministry . I would like you to know that as our Ministry S.A.N.D grows I will bee sending offerings to your awsome Ministry as well . Be blesses my friend and keep in touch with us . God bless S.A.N.D. Intl . Ministries / Shelli